A backup-website for articles from Syrian news website Sana in case it is shut down by western/arab opponents
donderdag 18 oktober 2012
Putin: No-One Has the Right to Tell Russia How and to Whom it Exports Weapons if Exports Don't Contradict UN Sanctions
(original article at: )
MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that no-one has the right to tell Russia how and to whom it may export weapons if the exports don't contradict UN sanctions.
In a speech on Wednesday, Putin said that Russia only signs agreements to export weapons and military equipment with legitimate authorities to boost the defensive capabilities of independent countries after careful study of the situation in the region in question, noting that not all exporters of weapons are so methodical.
Putin also said that unilateral or group sanctions outside the framework of the UN, particularly politicized sanctions, do not represent a rule for international law.
He also called for increasing the level of technical military cooperation among Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and Vietnam.
H. Sabbagh
donderdag 11 oktober 2012
Syrian Passenger Plane, Forced to Land by Turkish Authorities, Arrives in Damascus
DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Syrian Airbus 320 passenger plane coming from Moscow, which was forced by the Turkish authorities to land in Ankara Airport on Wednesday, arrived in Damascus at 05:10 am Thursday dawn.
Director of the Syrian Arab Airlines, Ghaida Abdullatif, stressed in a statement to SANA that the Turkish authorities assaulted the crew before allowing the plane to take off from Ankara Airport because the crew members refused to sign a document saying that the plane made an emergency landing.
"Turkish F-16 warplanes forced the Syrian plane to land to be searched, doing so in violation of the international procedures in terms of not formerly notifying neither its pilot nor the Turkish civil airline, which almost caused an air accident due to warplanes coming close at an uncalculated distance," said Abdullatif.
She stressed that the Syrian plane was not carrying any illegal materials and that the cargo was in compliance with the international laws and systems having a legal bill of landing.
Abdullatif assured that all the passengers are in a good health condition, however suffering a very bad psychological state.
The Director of the Syrian Arab Airlines considered what happened as "an inhumane act" that indicates a flaw in dealing with the rules and laws stated in the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation.
"Added to that," Abdullatif said, "the long hours during which the passengers were locked without being provided any services or even informed of what was going on, which left them in a state of panic and a very bad psychological condition."
She noted that the Syrian Arab Airlines will file a protest to the International Union of Aviation and the Arab Aviation Union as well as all the international and humanitarian organizations against the inhumane treatment the plane's crew and passengers were subjected to.
She called for separating the political side from the civil aviation in all countries of the world as the civil aviation is a way of communication among peoples.
Russia Asks Turkey for Explanation
The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed its concern over the risks which the passengers of the Syrian plane, including 17 Russians, were subjected to being locked for 8 hours on board.
A statement by the Ministry on Thursday stressed that the Turkish side did not inform the Russian Embassy in Ankara of the presence of Russian citizens on board the plane, adding that "we only knew about that through electronic media."
The statement said Russian consulate staff and a doctor were denied permission to see the Russian passengers without giving explanations despite the Russian Embassy's asking for permission from the Turkish authorities.
"This came in violation of the bilateral consular agreements," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in its statement, stressing that the Russian passengers were not allowed over 8 hours to come down to the Airport building and were not provided any food, as they were only given permission to go down to the Airport land for a short while.
The statement stressed that the Russian side insists on getting an explanation of such acts by the Turkish authorities towards the Russian citizens and on taking measures that prevent the repetition of such incidents in the future.
A source at the Ministry also said the Russian Embassy in Ankara immediately called the Turkish Foreign Ministry and asked for an explanation about what the Syrian plane was subjected to in the course of its flight from Moscow to Damascus, calling upon the Turkish authorities to assume their responsibilities for the safety of the Russian passengers who were on board.
In the same context, a high-ranking source at a Russian weapons export institution dismissed the existence of any type of weapons or military technology devices and systems on board the Syrian plane.
The source highlighted that "Russia has not halted its cooperation in the field of military technologies with Syria and will provide Syria with any type of military technologies in case of need according to the rules followed and not secretly, particularly via a passenger plane."
Diplomatic Source in Moscow: Russia's Ambassador in Ankara Visited Turkish Foreign Ministry Concerning the Syrian Civilian Aircraft Incident
A diplomatic source in Moscow announced on Thursday that the Russian ambassador in Ankara visited the Turkish Foreign Ministry.
The source indicated that the visit was related to the incident of forcing the Syrian civilian aircraft to land in Ankara airport, which in fact was on a regular flight from Moscow to Damascus with 17 Russian passengers on board, among them 7 children.
The Russian authorities expressed concern over the incident, considering that it threatened its nationals and was a violation of international conventions in treating civilian passengers.
There have been no further information on the visit of the Russian ambassador.
Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stressed in a statement earlier in the day that the Syrian civilian aircraft was carrying no weapons or prohibited goods, considering the hostile Turkish behavior an additional evidence on the aggressive policy adopted by Erdogan's government, taking into account the training, harboring and facilitating infiltration through its borders and bombing the Syrian territories.
H. Said/M. Ismael
maandag 8 oktober 2012
Forum of NPF Parties and National Powers: Comprehensive National Dialogue Based on Syria Sovereignty
original at:
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Activities of the political forum organized by the coalition parties of the National Progressive Front (NPF) and national and progressive powers under the title of "Political Dialogue and National Reconciliation: Path to Restore Stability and Security" kicked off on Monday at the Damascus-based Dama Rose Hotel.
In a speech during the opening of the Forum, Secretary General of the Arab Socialist Union Party, Safwan Qudsi, said that Syria is facing a massive conspiracy, some parts of it international, others are regional and some are Arab, all of which seeking to cancel Syria and erase it from history, but Syria showed its ability to stand fast and confront the conspiracy which it will foil.
In turn, Secretary General of the Socialist Unionists Party, Fayez Ismael, voiced his party's rejection of any foreign interference in Syria, asserting that Syria will be victorious and lauding the role of the Syrian Arab Army in defending the country with the people's support.
He said that most of those who are involved in the events don't know why they're fighting, and that part of them are outsiders fighting in a strange land who are armed by the US others.
Similarly, Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Syrian Communist Party, Ammar Bekdash, said that the forum shows the insistence of national parties and forces to defend Syria in the face of the attack waged by imperialist and Zionist forces and regressive regional regimes, with Syria's enemies employing every possible method including embargos, media warfare, vandalism, mass murder and assassination.
Bekdash pointed out to the deep roots of the escalating conspiracy against Syria, calling for dealing with the manifestations of the crisis through the principle of "words and opinions are faced with words and opinion, but vandalism and terrorism are faced with the rule of law," in addition to dealing with the economic and social conditions that fostered conspiracies.
He also stressed the need for the main goal of economic and social policies to be improving the living standards of citizens, saying that his party presented a memo earlier this year presenting ideas for boosting the economic and social aspects of national steadfastness.
For his part, Secretary General of al-Ahed (Pledge) National Party, Ghassan Abdelaziz Othman, said that the crimes, destruction and targeting of national economy that are witnessed in Syria have nothing to do with any legitimate demands, affirming that external forces exploited the reality created by some policies that affected the majority of the people, usurping the public's legitimate demands.
He said that the conspiracy against Syria reflects the instability of the region, which the west views through colonial eyes that only want to preserve their interests.
In turn, Secretary General of the Syrian National Social Party, Issam Mahayri, denounced all the suspicious calls for summoning an external solution and distorting the reality of the crisis deliberately, affirming that dialogue is a healthy state and the path to foiling the conspiracy and improving political discourse in Syria.
He also stressed that it's the duty of the state and its establishments and forces to cooperate with the army and armed forces to confront terrorism, denouncing all those who support, participate in, and defend terrorism.
Mahayri also asserted that what is happening in Syria aims at undermining the resistance, saluting all the allies and friendly forces who stood alongside Syria in the face of the conspiracy targeting it.
In a similar speech, Secretary General of the Arab Socialists Movement, Ahmad al-Ahmad, pointed out that despite the scale of the conspiracy against Syria, the west and its Arab servants failed to achieve their goals, noting that this came about due to the unity of the Syrian people and the heroism of the Syrian Arab Army.
For his part, Secretary General of the Democratic Socialist Unionist Party, Fadlallah Nassereddin, said that what is happening in the Arab world poses a threat to pan-Arab and national security, with the Arab-Israeli conflict being the most intense crisis and the one that threatens world security and peace due to the attempts by the US-led western forces to control the region in coordination of Israel.
In turn, Secretary General of the Syrian Unified Communist Party, Hanin Nemr, said that nationalist Arab forces realize that the Arab-Israeli conflict sums up all the conflicts in the region, and that Syria has been involved in it since the 1950s, foiling one conspiracy after the other and paying the price in thousands of martyrs, along with the pressure, siege, threats and direct attacks it suffered as a result of its positions.
Nemr affirmed that the road to correcting mistakes and negative aspects is through peaceful methods approved by the new constitution and political parties law, and that those who chose the path of violence must realize that their path is blocked and leads nowhere, while dialogue is wide open for national opposition that isn't bound to foreign forces.
He also stressed that the time has come for internal dialogue, but it cannot be useful as long as weapons and mercenaries are flowing into Syria, adding that foreign interference hinders any political solution to the crisis.
Similarly, Secretary General of the Arab Democratic Union Party, Ghassan Ahmad Othman, said that Syria is being targeted, as it always has been, due to its progressive pan-Arabic stances and its role in the resistance in the Arab region, stressing the need to support the Syrian people's legitimate demands by transitioning into a pluralist, civil and democratic Syria.
The two-day forum tackles the topics of political dialogue, the army as the shield of homeland, combating terrorism, rejection of foreign intervention, national reconciliation and protecting the state and institutions.
NPF Parties, National and Progressive Forces Alliance Forum: National Dialogue based on Syria's Sovereignty and Rejection of Foreign Interference
The political forum which is being held by the National Progressive Front (NPF) parties and National and progressive forces continued on Monday its activities under the theme of "Political Dialogue and National Reconciliation are the Means to Restore Security and Stability".
Secretary-General of the Arab Socialist Union Party, Safwan Qudsi, pointed out in a speech that holding this forum by the NPF parties and the national and progressive forces would pave the ground for a national, popular and party situation that raises awareness about what was standing in the Syrian daily life and about the necessity of maintaining it.
He stressed that Syria is facing a huge conspiracy, adding that the conspiracy will fail and Syria will stay strong, active and influential.
For his part, Secretary-General of the Socialist Unionists Party, Fayez Ismael, stressed his party's rejection and condemnation of any foreign interference in Syria, adding that today's war is unparalleled because of the number of terrorists from various nationalities involved in it.
Ismael said that the Arab reactionary countries and the Arab League Secretary-General, particularly Saudi Arabia and Qatar are allied with the US in the conspiracy against Syria, pointing out that the US is selling arms to the criminal killers from the US base in Incirlik in Turkey and Saudi Arabia and Qatar are paying the price.
Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the Syrian Communist Party, Ammar Bikdash, said that this forum highlights the persistence of the national forces and parties to defending Syria in face of the fierce attack launched by the imperialism and Zionism in addition to other regional reactionary regimes.
Secretary-General of the National Covenant Party, Ghassan Abdul-Aziz Othman, stressed that the criminal acts and destruction and sabotage in addition to targeting the national economy can never be related to any legitimate demands, adding that the political movement was clear from the beginning to be the first step to a war against Syria.
For his part, Secretary-General of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, Isam al-Mahayri, condemned all suspicious calls for a foreign solution and the deliberate distortion of defining the crisis in Syria.
He stressed that the political dialogue is a sustainable healthy situation and it is the way to curb and foil the conspiracy and conspirators.
Secretary-General of the Arab Socialist Movement, Ahmad al-Ahmad, said that in spite of the volume of conspiracy hatched against Syria and its repercussions, the colonial west has failed to achieve this conspiracy which has strategic dimensions and threatens security and stability in the region.
He added that the west has failed by virtue of the Syrian people's unity and the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army.
Chairman of the General Federation of Trade Unions, Mohammad Shaaban Azzoz, pointed out that Syria's army, people and leadership are targeted because of the national stances which reject a compromise on the Palestinian Cause and naturalization with the Israeli occupation.
He stressed the importance of dialogue with all sides except for those who called for foreign interference and arms, adding that the labor class has lost more than 500 workers who were martyred in line of duty.
For his part, member of the political bureau of the Socialist Unionist Party, Khaled al-Abboud, considered the Front Parties and the national and progressive forces alliance as having many tools to orchestrate a political struggle against another political team trying to attack the state and the society.
He pointed out to the importance of political dialogue as an exit from the crisis in Syria.
English Bulletin
zaterdag 6 oktober 2012
Yurt-Newspaper: Erdogan's Government Handed over the Mortars to Armed Groups in Syria which shelled Akcakale Town
original at:
Oct 06, 2012
ANKARA, (SANA)-Turkish Yurt Newspaper said that the government of the Development and Justice Party has to take a neutral stance on the events in Syria instead of supporting the groups of the so-called the armed opposition.
"Turkey was inevitably affected by the events in Syria… so it was very necessary for it to adopt new polices and be aware that instigating others will bring nothing but more damages.. The Turkish government was wrong at seeing the whole region through a sectarian vision," Journalist Ali Sirmen wrote in an article published by the Newspaper.
He added that the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan was carrying out the policies of the US in Syria and the region, bearing the political and martial burden of this policy .
The Newspaper also revealed that the bomber which was used to launch the mortar on the Turkish Akcakale town is only used by NATO.
In an article by its Editor-in-Chief Merdan Yanardag, Yurt clarified that it had information from a reliable source saying that Turkey was the side which sent the mortars to the members of so-called ''the free army".
Oct 06, 2012

ANKARA, (SANA)-Turkish Yurt Newspaper said that the government of the Development and Justice Party has to take a neutral stance on the events in Syria instead of supporting the groups of the so-called the armed opposition.
"Turkey was inevitably affected by the events in Syria… so it was very necessary for it to adopt new polices and be aware that instigating others will bring nothing but more damages.. The Turkish government was wrong at seeing the whole region through a sectarian vision," Journalist Ali Sirmen wrote in an article published by the Newspaper.
He added that the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan was carrying out the policies of the US in Syria and the region, bearing the political and martial burden of this policy .
The Newspaper also revealed that the bomber which was used to launch the mortar on the Turkish Akcakale town is only used by NATO.
In an article by its Editor-in-Chief Merdan Yanardag, Yurt clarified that it had information from a reliable source saying that Turkey was the side which sent the mortars to the members of so-called ''the free army".
"Those information affirm that the Government of Erdogan's wrong policy was behind the falling of the mortar in the town that claimed the lives of 5 Turks." Yanaradag added.
Also see: http://iraansnieuws.blogspot.nl/2012/10/navo-granaten-afgevuurd-vanuit-syrie-op.html
Also see: http://iraansnieuws.blogspot.nl/2012/10/navo-granaten-afgevuurd-vanuit-syrie-op.html
The Army Heroes Eliminate Mercenaries and Terrorists in Qudssaiya
Original at:
DAMASCUS COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA)- After a chain of qualitative operations over three days, the Syrian Arab Army eliminated the majority of the mercenary terrorist groups in Qudssaiya city in Damascus Countryside.
During these operations, the army units destroyed many dens of terrorist groups, killed large numbers of their members and arrested several others, in addition to seizing their weapons.
Citizens of Qudssaiya seem now able to feel some of the calm and tranquility they lived in before mercenaries and terrorist groups decided to fire their hatred with their sniper shots and mortar shells on the houses of citizens, forcing many of them to leave the city in fear for their lives.
Besides residential buildings and private properties, government institutions were not spared the terrorist practices. These included mainly Qudssaiya Municipality building and the Primary Health Care Center among other state facilities.
A number of shops were also destroyed by the terrorist groups, in addition to al-Omari Mosque in the middle of the city, which was also a target to the mercenary gunmen who burned it down.
The armed forces' operations in Qudssaiya city resulted in releasing a number of citizens who had been kidnapped by the armed terrorist groups after being used as human shields.
The residents expressed happiness and relief over the entry of the Syrian Army to their city and appreciation of its efforts to eliminate the terrorists and restore security and stability to Qudssaiya.
H. Said
vrijdag 5 oktober 2012
UN Security Council Condemns Terrorist Bombings in Aleppo
Oct 05, 2012
original at:
NEW YORK, (SANA) – The members of the UN Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Aleppo, Syria on 3 October, causing dozens of deaths and over one hundred civilians injured, the responsibility for which was claimed by the Jebhat al-Nusra group affiliated with Al Qaeda.
They expressed their deep sympathy and sincere condolences to the families of the victims of these heinous acts and to the people of Syria.
The members of the Security Council reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security, and that any act of terrorism is criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of its motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed.
The members of the Security Council reiterated their determination to combat all forms of terrorism, in accordance with its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations.
The members of the Security Council reminded States that they must ensure that the measures taken to combat terrorism comply with all their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law.
In a statement issued on the day of the terrorist bombings, the Syrian Interior Ministry said that terrorist groups in Aleppo province carried out a series of bloody terrorist bombings on Wednesday, October 3rd, at a time when people are heading to work and schools in Aleppo city, claiming the lives of 34 martyrs and injuring 122, both civilians and military personnel. Three terrorists died in the bombings as well.
The statement also said that the bombings caused extensive damage to public and private properties, state establishments, hotels and homes, and wrecked 250 private and state-owned cars.
M. Nassr/ H. Sabbagh
Popular Event to Stress national Unity and Fraternity in Homs
original at:
HOMS, (SANA) – Inhabitants of Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs organized a popular walk towards al-Nuzha roundabout where the inhabitants of al-Nuzha and Ekremeh neighborhoods met them with throwing rice and releasing white doves in the air in an expression of amity fraternity and unity against the enemy and all attempts to sow sedition.
Mohammad addressed the inhabitants saying that they defeated terrorism and proved that they are Syria's strong people.
The governor listened to the citizens' demands, stressing that the state is following up on citizens' affairs to help them return to their houses and work.
He indicated to the efforts of the national reconciliation committees to release the kidnapped people, calling upon those who are bearing arms to lay them down and return to their homeland.

The inhabitants said that the walk is a step towards achieving reconciliation among all Homs neighborhoods, getting rid of fears and rebuilding amity bridges to restore life to Homs city.
A participant from Baba Amro neighborhood said that this event came after one year and a half of separation to reunite the people on basis of amity and tolerance.
Imam of Ali Mosque, Sheikh Mehi Eddin Salloum said that exchanging visits between inhabitants of Homs neighborhoods proves that the conspiracy ended and that the Syrian people cannot be defeated.
R. Raslan/ M. Ismael
maandag 1 oktober 2012
Al-Moallem: Key to Make Brahimi's Mission a Success is in the Hands of Countries which Fund and Arm Terrorists in Syria
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Minister of Foreign Affairs Walid al-Moallem |
original at:
Oct 01, 2012
NEW YORK, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem affirmed that the key to make the mission of UN Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi a success lies having Syria's neighboring countries, other countries and the west cease their support and harboring of terrorists, warning that the US and all those who support terrorism are bound to get a taste of its poison.
In an interview on al-Mayadine TV broadcast in full on Monday, October 01, 2012 al-Moallem voiced confidence that the tolerant and patriotic Syrian people will overcome the crisis by engaging in a comprehensive national reconciliation that would reconstruct the Syrian social fabric and build a better future for Syria and its children.
The Minister pointed out that the positions of countries that Syria considers sides in the conspiracy against it haven't changed based on what he witnessed during the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, noting that there were other grey positions that have now shifted to supporting Syria, demanding ending violence and finding a polticial, peaceful solution to the situation in Syria through comprehensive national dialogue.
On the calls of the Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Arabi for implementing Chapter VII of the UN Security Council against Syria, al-Moallem said "the reason for his obsession with Chapter VII could be his jealousy from his predecessor and his work in Libya."
Al-Moallem said that al-Arabi should remember that more than 100 resolutions were issued by the UN and the Security Council against Israel and none of them were under Chapter VII. adding "I don't know why he insists on chapter VII when he knows that it will be exploited to wage a military action against Syria."
Responding to a question on "loss of legitimacy," al-Moallem said that those who talk about this are either ignorant and need to cement their own legitimacy, or members of the conspiracy against Syria who infringe upon the Syrian people's right to determine their own future, adding that even Security Council resolutions affirmed that the people alone have the right to decide their own future.
"No-one in the world can decide who leads Syria other than the Syrian people… this is a delusion they need to abandon unless their goal is to extend the crisis, which I believe to be the most likely," he added.
On his meeting with Ibrahimi, al-Moallem said that Syria supported the Envoy's mission and was optimistic due to his considerable diplomatic experience, stressing that there are guidelines which constitutes rights for Syria; first of them is maintaining sovereignty and territorial integrity and preventing foreign interference, and second is acknowledging the Syrian people's right to deice their own present and future.
"No-one can overcome this truth… other than that, we cooperate with Ibrahimi in any way that can lead to the success of his mission," he said.
Al-Moallem said that one of the keys to the success of Brahimi's mission a success is in Damascus while another is abroad; specifically in the hands of Syria's neighboring countries which are harboring, arming and supporting the armed terrorist groups in Syria with funds and media, adding "if Brahimi didn't get real commitments from neighboring countries, and before that from the USA which is running the entire game, then he will face the same problems that faced Kofi Annan… I am confident that Ibrahimi has good intentions and determination to succeed in his mission, and we in Syria will provide all that could lead to its success."
More to come…
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